Our objective for the unit are to understand how;
'Human actions can preserve or endanger animal life'
Key Concepts:
Connection, Responsibility, Causation
Related Concepts:
Conservation, Sustainability
Lines of Inquiry:
The responsibilities humans have for the survival of other species
The reasons animals become endangered or extinct
The connection between human actions and endangered animal life
Learner Profile:
Caring and Principled
Respect and Integrity
Thinking: Comprehension, Acquisition of knowledge, Evaluation
Time Management
We began the week with and Earth day assembly which was the perfect provocation for our unit. It got us thinking about the impact our plastic use has on our environment and the living creatures in it. We looked at the 6 r's that were being focussed on the Earth day;
Two of our reading groups inquired into what these meant and shared our understandings with the rest of the class.
The Earth Day Assembly was led and organised by students in our Environmental Action Committee.
Later that day, we looked at our central idea and came up with our own sentences clearly describing our understandings of this. We shared these with each other.
We got to try an unusual new fruit! On Clement's trip to New Zealand in the break, he managed to sneak a bag of feijoas into his suitcase for Ms Karyn. It is her favourite Kiwi fruit. We all had a taste and most of us couldn't decide what it tasted like...pineapple? Sour papaya? Banana with lime? Most of us agreed it was delicious!
We also celebrated Anders birthday with delicious homemade sweet rolls. Happy birthday Anders!
To get us thinking more about our unit, the teacher gave us a collection of powerful images designed get us feeling wondering and reacting. We walked around the posters and added our ideas under 3 headings;
I see...
I think...
I wonder...
As our unit develops we will add information that shows how how our thinking and understandings have changed.
In math we got stuck into fractions and reviewed our knowledge of shapes and time.
We also had a ton of fun reviewing our understanding of current learning through songs, revision relays and online quizzes on Kahoot.
Kahoot online quiz.
Singing to reinforce our understanding of shapes.
A math revision relay.
It's been another fabulous week of learning!
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