Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Learning in the Lab

Our current unit of inquiry is 'Who we Are'. Through two of our lines of inquiry, we are trying to gain an understanding of;
  • Ways that we can be personally, physically and mentally healthy (function)
  • The responsibility we can take for our wellbeing (Responsibility/ reflection)

Today we had a fantastic opportunity to visit the secondary science lab and conduct an experiment. The grade 7 students led us through the activity, overseen by Mr Houterman and Mr Jones. We swabbed the bathroom, the soles of our our shoes, and put our fingerprint inside petri dishes filled with agar. This will allow us to reveal the bacteria hiding all around us. Over the next few days we will learn a little more about germs- identifying ways we can be responsible for our personal hygiene.
On Thursday, we plan to return to the lab to examine and discuss the results. Watch this space!

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