They practiced presenting their learning with the grade 1 and 5 students, and then invited the parents in to view their work on Tuesday morning. We had a wonderful turn out from families.
At the end of the unit...students re-visited the success criteria they helped develop for their summative assessment. They shared their learning with the teacher and commented on how they felt they did through the process, and if they achieved the I can statements. The teacher discussed how we did and wrote comments for us which we shared on Seesaw. We also completed more general reflections of the unit which we shared with our families. Learning to reflect is an important skill, and we are becoming more competent at it.
On Thursday...we celebrated International Mother tongue language day. We went to the Black Box and watched interesting vocal and drama performances in a variety of languages. Then we went with a grade 7 buddy and participated in fun language activities around the school. It was great fun spending time with the secondary students.
In mathematics, we have started to learn about multiplication. In grade two, children are exposed to a variety of ways to record and develop their understandings of this. We have been looking at what multiplication means, how to record it as repeated addition and in arrays, and the commutative property of multiplication (5x4 is the same as 4x5). Children who are past this stage were being extended to understand how to solve problems involving larger numbers.
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