Ms Petra shared a story 'Fred and Ted go Camping' by Peter Eastman.
Mr Simon shared a book called 'The story of Little Mole Who Knew it was None of his Business.'
Ms Yin shared a book in Khmer about counting to ten.
Some Grade 10 students came and shared their favourite stories. We loved having all of of our mystery readers join us!

We had buddy time with our awesome Grade 5 class. We decided to share books we love and enjoyed reading and spending time together.

We put on our Pajamas, listened to books, and finished with cookies and milk in the cafeteria.
Some of us stayed and experienced the Grade 2-3 Book Week Sleepover. It was fun sleeping in the library and having a big slumber party.
Friday was our special book week assembly. We listened to one of the collaborative books we read.
Ms Karyn will use the Monument book prize to choose a book we can all enjoy about our unit. After assembly, we had a parade. We were all dressed up as our favourite book characters and had a lot of fun.

Another busy week in Grade 2! Happy Friday everybody!
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