Sunday, September 3, 2017

Weekly Update August 28th - September 1st

We had a great week in Grade 2.

We started our measurement unit by looking at non standard units of measurement. We measured items with different sized paperclips, and discovered why standard units of measurement are necessary for accurate results.

We also checked to see if we had any Guinness Book of World Record holders in our class! We estimated the length of the tallest man, longest legs, longest hair, and longest nails and then checked our estimations.

Then we learned how to use a ruler to measure in cm. We measured our own noses, fingers, feet, and hair to see if we had any World record holders in our class - which we don't...YET!

Later in the week we explored how to solve word problems involving measurement like the one below.

Sam had 32 cm of tape and used 27cm. How much tape did he have left?

First we had to decide what the question was asking us...then we showed our thinking using a tape diagram. We will continue to work on this next week.

32- 27 = 5
Sam had 5cm of tape left.

We self reflected on how our understanding of this is developing.

In Reading, we continued to develop our skills in retelling. We looked at shared texts about the brain and completed responses based on our understanding.

We continued working on enhancing our personal recounts...learning to include an appropriate introduction, sequential events, and a summary.

UOI: Who We Are
This week we focused on the brain. We read 'My Fantastic Elastic Brain'.
We learned what the brain does and reflected on some of the ways we can be responsible for our own learning brain.
This video on the Learning Brain helped our understanding develop.

We decided to make our own brains using air dry clay. Then we posted our videos on seesaw.

We also revisited how to turn fixed mindset statements into growth mindset ones.

We had a log in challenge to see how fast we could access our google drive accounts. Then we practiced our speed typing skills using Mavis Beacon.

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